
Ultra-minded content for everyone!

There's ultra athletes, and then there's Chris Calimano. On today's episode, we'll hear all about Chris' virtual HooDoo 500 race. As a bonus round afterwards, we'll also get a glimpse into the 500+ races that Chris Calimano has accomplished in just 10 years from ultra running in the deserts to ironman triathlons and Paris-Brest-Paris, this episode is one packed with adventure. Let's roll! 🚲💨

Reaching further is the theme for today's episode with one of Ireland's finest ex-pro turned ultra cyclists. We'll be discussing everything from world records to racing ultras in Ireland, RAAM, 6-12-24 hour time trials, and living a performance lifestyle. Over a million people have tuned in to the recent adventures of this rider so you don't want to miss this! Let’s roll! 🚲💨

Imagine climbing over 46,000 feet across 600 miles on a recumbent bicycle that weighs 10 pounds more than the average road bicycle to take the victory in a 3-stage race. In part 3 of 3, we’ll learn about Jason's race in the White Mountain Double Century. Let’s roll! 🚲💨

Imagine climbing over 46,000 feet across 600 miles on a recumbent bicycle that weighs 10 pounds more than the average road bicycle to take the victory in a 3-stage race. In part 1 of 3, we’ll learn Jason's race in the Devil Mountain Double Century. Let’s roll! 🚲💨

Welcome to the brand new ultra cycling show! The vision of this show is to bring together the ultra cycling family through fun and friendly interviews, news, and ultra-minded content. I'm your host, Justin Too. Let's roll! 🚲💨

Your Episode

Share your story with the ultra family! This show is by ultra cyclists, for ultra cyclists, so we'd love to hear from you and chat about all your adventures—past, present, and future! Let's roll! 🚲💨