
Ultra-minded content for everyone!

Talented Indian ultra racers like Mayank Tripathi compete in some of the world's most challenging ultra events from the Ultra Spice 1000 km to the Race Across America. In today's episode, we'll be hearing from Mayank's recent victory in the the Indian 24-hr Virtual Time Trial Championship hosted by the Irregulars through Zwift. Let's roll! 🚲💨

Welcome to the brand new ultra cycling show! The vision of this show is to bring together the ultra cycling family through fun and friendly interviews, news, and ultra-minded content. I'm your host, Justin Too. Let's roll! 🚲💨

Your Episode

Share your story with the ultra family! This show is by ultra cyclists, for ultra cyclists, so we'd love to hear from you and chat about all your adventures—past, present, and future! Let's roll! 🚲💨