Climb to Kaiser

Ultra-minded content for everyone!

Life is so much better when you have someone to share it with! On today's episode, we'll be hearing from a couple who has bicycled together in some of the world's most challenging events from the Silver State 508, 24-hr World Time Trials, the Race Across America, and Paris-Brest-Paris. They've also toured all over the world on their tandem. Let's roll! 🚲💨

Welcome to the brand new ultra cycling show! The vision of this show is to bring together the ultra cycling family through fun and friendly interviews, news, and ultra-minded content. I'm your host, Justin Too. Let's roll! 🚲💨

Your Episode

Share your story with the ultra family! This show is by ultra cyclists, for ultra cyclists, so we'd love to hear from you and chat about all your adventures—past, present, and future! Let's roll! 🚲💨